The coordinating conjunction in the sentence is NOR.
There are only seven coordinating conjunctions. Remember the terms FAN BOYS in relation to coordinating conjunctions.
F - for
A - and
N - nor
B - but
O - or
Y - yet
S - so
Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. Giving equal emphasis on two main clauses.
Here are the patterns for using coordinating conjunctions:
1) connecting two main clauses
main clause + coordinating conjunction + main clause
2) connecting two items
item + coordinating conjunction + item
3) connecting three or more items in a series
item + item + coordinating conjunction + item
It existed for the sole purpose of killing jews and other "undesirables". i.e. people with disabilities, homosexuales.
The phrase which defines “pretensions” best is claims of importance.
<em>Pretensions</em> refer to the form of more serious or of being more important than the actual reason. Also, pretensions may refer to a belief or claim that you have serious value and are important.
<u>For example:</u>
It sounds pretentious that the current government will work for the people after the next elections.
After escaping, Odysseus continues to taunt Polyphemus and brags about his exploits.
The term "hubris" refers to the quality of a person in having or exhibiting extreme pride and ambition in his/her own actions and abilities. This personality quality of a person, in the over-confidence of a person, will oftentimes lead to an inescapable downfall later on.
In the epic "The Odyssey" by Homer, hubris is one character trait of Odysseus. One such example is when they were on the island of Polyphemus. After 'stealing' from Polyphemus, Odysseus lost many of his men to the cyclops. But despite that, he brags about his 'loot' and even taunts the one-eyes monster. He knows that it was against the wish of the gods to get involved or 'disturb' the cyclops, and that 'looting' a demi-god was against the rules, Odysseus couldn't help but brag about it, his bravery and ability in escaping the clutches of the demi-god.
Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.