A budget constraint is a graph that shows all the combination of goods a consumer can consume given current prices and income of the consumer.
If income increases, the budget constraint will shift out parallel to the old
If income decreases, budget constraint will shift in parallel to the old one.
A. $80
B. $795
C. $0
Only expenses that can be directly attributed to the business are deductible.
Personal expenses will not be deductible.
A. Here the only deductible amount is the legal fees of $80. The speeding will not be charged to the business because it was as a result of personal negligence. The legal fees affect the business because the speeding related to a business asset.
B. Only the amount paid to reserve a spot will be deductible because it relates to expenses for the business to make profit. The money she spent on her children is a personal expense.
C. There is no deductible here. These activities were of a personal nature and in no way related to the operations of the business of operating the food truck.
Answer: Wide variations in capital structures exist between industries and also between individual firms within industries and are influenced by unique firm factors including managerial attitudes.
Out of the options that are given in the question, the correct option is that wide variations in capital structures exist between industries and also between individual firms within industries and are influenced by unique firm factors including managerial attitudes.
All the other options are false. Debt-to-total-assets ratios varies much among different industries.
The correct answer is letter "A": includes production of foreigners working in the U.S. but excludes production by U.S. residents working in foreign countries.
The Gross Domestic Product or GDP represents the overall market value of all the goods and services a country produces. The GDP measures the size of the economy and it is determined by the following formula:
GDP = C+ G + I + NX
C = Private consumption
G = Government spending
I = Businesses' capital spending
NX = Net exports (exports-imports)
Labor is part of the GDP as well. It could be included in government spending or capital spending. <em>A nation's labor productivity is the sum of all the labor force production within the country regardless of the nationality of the workers</em>. <em>Citizen's productivity working abroad will be included in the GDP of the country where they work</em>.
Answer: Analogy
The method of forecasting that this example illustrate is analogy. Forecast by analogy refers to the forecasting method which simply assumes that two different kinds of situations have identical models and therefore share the same model of behaviour.
This can be infered from the situations that once the per capita GDP is known for the country, the per capita demand for the toys can be estimated.