dear cannibal
i think what you doing is very wrong and is hurtful to others! please stop this madness at once instead have joy in your life with other not the other way around...
drogi kanibale
myślę, że to, co robisz, jest bardzo złe i szkodzi innym! proszę natychmiast powstrzymajcie to szaleństwo, zamiast tego miejcie radość w życiu z innymi, a nie na odwrót ...
Yes, Muslims can be strong. Muslims can be fast. Muslims can be smart. Muslims can be susceptible. Muslims can be wonderful.
si, a mi me gusta la persona de Arabic, porque they smell good. They are hairy. They could be named gray. they might have brothers named Jerry.
you asked me 4 questions btw
Absolutely NOT. A thesis is NEVER a statement of fact. It is instead the writer's opinion.
Freedom, medical care, and privacy is A] Rights