Most economies are considered mixed because most have some portion of the means of production under government control. Most economic systems also have some element of the market or capitalism. ... The most vulnerable members of society benefit from a mixed economy because they are offered some social safety net.
D. Yes. China has one of the World's highest gross domestic products.
Their GDP is expected to surpass the United States in 2025. It is only a matter of time as business in China had taken a boost during Deng's reforms and the removal of Mao's economic policies.
a. Germany had to take sole responsibility for the war.
Under the treaty of Versailles signed after the end of World War 2, Germany was required to face certain punishments under the terms of the peace agreement. The most important being t hat they(germany and all allies) accept responsibility for causing all the loss and damage. This later became known as the War Guilt clause, requiring Germany to disarm, make territorial concessions, and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the "Entente" powers.