Wait is this a school question or ur question
I think your question if if they can "co-exist", correct?
They can and they have coexisted many times in the past, and even today. A monarchy with teocracy happens when there is a ruler (monarch ) who has an absolute or near-absolute power and claims to derive this power from God.
A historical example is ancient Egypt and a current example is Vatican City
We show that municipalities that are exogenously exposed to the Drug War experience a 40% decrease in export growth on the intensive margin. Large exporters suffer larger effects, along with exports of more complex, capital intensive, and skill intensive products. Finally, using firm level data, we provide evidence consistent with violence increasing marginal exporting costs.
Answer:postabsorptive influences
In a case whereby your craving for popcorn has been ongoing for a while it is only normal that you feel like taking more after eating the initial one....so as to satisfy the urge of having another one