becuasse he uses logic in the form of statistics and testimony/
to argue that newspapers covered hurricane Katrina most effectively.
Being in quarentine has brought my family closer together. We have now started going on Zoom to talk to each other in these frightening times. I never had many friends to begin with and those I do consider amiable have either destroyed our friendship by losing my trust or ignore me. I would consider myself an ambiovert, or in simpler terms both introverted and extroverted. It is similar to a light switch, in the sense that I can turn it on or off. Now that I am stuck in my room, I have been able to connect more with my introverted self. I have finally had a chance to disconnect myself from society as I always wanted. I don't speak to any of my classmates with the exception of one person and a friend that doesn't attend our school. This has been pure bliss for me.
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The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.