They both are big cities with a lot of big businesses
What is the options if there is any, i know the awnser
The idea behind citizen owning property in order to vote was that the Americans don't want to give recognition to people from other race or ethnicity.
In 1789, it was decided that only fair Americans above 21 years of age and have ownership of land will get the right to vote. It should compulsorily be noted that such elites constituted a very meagre population.
This was a discriminatory type of enfranchisement as it curbs the right to vote of black men and landless African Americans.
This is called the peace of Vassar.
This was the treaty signed on Aug. 1664, published in late September,It was signed as aftermath of the battle of saint Gotthard .This treaty lasted for 20- years. However, it received a set back in 1683,where a full scale war which lead to siege of Vienna occurred.
The name ''Vasvar'' means house, thus peace of Vasvar refers to as Piece house, solely because the vasvar was the office of the Capitulum of Vasvar, who was a legend.Thus it was said that the treaty was signed in the peace house; as a legendary treaty.