uh stomach lol i mean when you swallow it goes to your stomach and you just digest it
The correct answer is:
A. Photosynthetic pigments absorb energy from light.

The 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami gave us a vivid description of menace of major tsunamis. It also suggested that tsunami science and engineering were inevitable to save human society, industries, and natural environment.
An answer can be found in Japan. Japan is the country the most frequently hit by tsunamis in the world. The experiences are well documented and are continued as the local legends. In 1896, the tsunami science started when the Meiji Great Sanriku Tsunami claimed 22,000 lives. An idea of comprehensive countermeasures was officially introduced after the 1933 Showa Great Sanriku Tsunami. The major works taken after this tsunami, however, were the relocation of dwelling houses to high ground and tsunami forecasting that started in 1941. The 1960 Chilean Tsunami opened the way to the tsunami engineering by elaborating coastal structures for tsunami defense. The 1983 Japan Sea Earthquake Tsunami that occurred during a fine daytime cleared the veil of actual tsunamis. The 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki Earthquake Tsunami led to the practical comprehensive tsunami disaster prevention used at present, in which three components, defense structures, tsunami-resistant town development and evacuation based on warning are combined.
The present paper briefs the history of tsunami research in Japan that supports countermeasures.
The eruption of Mount St. Helens provided a prospect for the scientists to examine the effects of the catastrophe. In the eruption, the losses were tragic, however, after the incident, the geologists hugely bettered their tendency to determine eruptions, by safely evacuating thousands of Filipino people prior to the eruption of Pinatubo in 1991.
Scientists also started to learn various other valuable lessons, even some of them have defied the fundamentals of evolutionary thinking. The eruption of 1980, offered a natural laboratory for comprehending that how quickly the catastrophic procedures can reshape the globe, and how briskly wildlife can recover.
False, because if the second population depends on the first as a food source then if the first decimates then the second will also start to decimate