The climate 250 mya was very tropical, so maybe those fossils could've been found there even w/o continental drift
Option: clearing the land to raise crops.
Agriculture first to practice by Neolithic people who shifted from hunting-gathering. During the Neolithic Age, humans invented new tools for farming that helped them to plough the land and clear unwanted weeds and plants. The cultivation included crops of wild which transformed into domestic. As they indulged in agriculture, they began living in one place rather than moving from one place to another in search of food. Animals were also domesticated who served them as companionship in the wild surrounding and food for survival.
Aswer: Mediterranean Sea and next to turkey
it can be next to turkey and is in mediterranean sea
I think yes a
b. Seasons would be less pronounced
Seasons happen as a result of tilt in the earth's axis, by the changing angles that sunlight strikes the Earth, a decrease in tilt would mean less extreme seasons meanin less tilt would mean less of a change in angle around the orbit and therefore cooler summers and warmer winters.