About 11 calories per minute
11x6.5 71.5
c. it is a pure market economy.
Re-conciliation is a process in which previously-stored memories re-called and consolidated in long term memory. Re-consolidation has been found for different types of memories such as implicit memory, explicit memory. In this process, the long term memories, are maintained and destabilized and then re-stabilized according to the reaction schedule of the cues and sign. So we can say that the memory process is dynamic, not stable and fixed. Re-consolidation is important that provides the ability to respond to a flexible environment. Re-consolidation changed memory strength. Re-consolidation interferes with the update of memory content. It straighten, maintained and modify our memory. It is believed that post retrieval is different from consolidation. Memory modification needs retrieval process for demonstration.
They made the majority of their money through agriculture.
Yes. And why?
Photographs or photos can be a primary source of information.
A primary source is a type of obtaining or sourcing information after the
phenomenon occurred at that particular time and when photographs are the
first-hand materials that were able to capture that specific moment which then
can convey the information. Primary resources also include –newspapers, journal
articles, magazines and etc. These information are very vital for its
credibility and reliability.