Mahal na Mahal ko Ang asking pamilya
Governor of Giorgia has many formal responsibilities stated by the Constitution, among those powers we can mention:
1- The command of military forces in Giorgia, since he is the commarnder-in chief.
2- In case of any vacancy in the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia senate, he/she is the person allowed to fill it.
3- Governor is in charge of assuring the execution of laws and of maintaining the peace and order among citizens.
This was the Mughal Empire - it was ruling the area from around 1520 and continued having power until 1857, when the British Crown took control of the land. Today the period after the Mughal Empire is refereed to as British Raj.
The Mughal Empire used Persian and Urdu as the main languages (althought many other languages were spoken too).
Discourses on Livy (1531) and The Prince (1532)