I believe the answer is: Emotional wellness
Emotional wellness refers to the ability to approach one's life in a positive outlook regardless of the situations that they faced.
People with good emotional wellness do not necessarily feel happy all the time. But they have a strong capability in managing their negative emotions so it could only display minimum effect.
To stop using cars, stop making emissions, switch to greener means of energy. Plant a tree
The investigator should discuss the pros and cons of both the investigational drugs and the drugs that are commercially available drug and then allow the subject so that he can decide whether to withdraw form the ongoing research to take the new drug.
When the 46-year man enrolled in the Phase III study of the drug. When the research was going on a new drug became available in the market in that case the investigators should discuss the benefits and the drawbacks of the investigational drug and the other drug that is commercially available then let the subject decide whether to keep on the research or not.
In a way, you already answered your question. In Florida if you are under 21, but you have to be at least 16, if you want to apply for my motorcycle license you have to complete an approved Motorcycle Safety Education Course. - this is true.