<span>In the situation in which Carl has been getting C's and lower grades on his tests and assignments all term he should ask himself the question:
</span><span>If his study habits are effective? Answering this question will </span>help him to identify the cause of his poor grades. Maybe he isn't studying the way he should do.
The majority of the total operating budget for most organizations is represented by supply chain costs
An operating budget is the annual budget of an activity stated in terms of Budget Classification Code, functional/subfunctional categories and cost accounts. It contains estimates of the total value of resources required for the performance of the operation including reimbursable work or services for others. It also includes estimates of workload in terms of total work units identified by cost accounts. Supply chain costs take up the most in the total amount of the budget. Supply chains include costs related to procurement, transportation , inventory and quality.
To prove frauds, we need to show that <span>The innocent party relied on the wrongdoer's representation.
If the accused in fraud case represent true representation despite the negative effect that experienced by the accuser than the court will rule that the accuser just make a really bad business decision rather than being scammed.</span>
Answer: Assurance
Five service quality are the characteristics that are used for measuring the quality of service through evaluating responsiveness, assurance, tangibility, empathy and reliability.
According to the question, students are more focused on assurance factor out of all the service quality factors because they expect a secure advise.
The quality of assurance imparts trust and confidence in the students and make them believe that the advise given by Professor Guillory is good .
The two choices they had were either be subjectified to americanization , or give up their land and either relocate or be killed.