try this script bro
(Get-ChildItem –Path C:\Folder).Encrypt()
simply microsoft just use encrypt() & decrypt() words in script to act doing the method encrypting & decrypting.
but i suggest you to use the windows gui features , its more easier. just right click on your folder target , go to properties then click advanced button , checklist encrypt box.
The program in Python is as follows:
num = int(input())
for i in str(num):
This gets input for the number
num = int(input())
This converts the number to string and iterates through each element of the string
for i in str(num):
This prints individual digits
From January 2005 through July 2017, approximately 853 million electronic data records in the US were breached.
This allowed the attackers to take control over people's personal data, such as their various credit card numbers, and other important data, as well as their addresses, etc. The cyber police, as well as the regular police have been working hard to stop this from happening, but the hackers are very strong and smart.