DNA ligase is an enzyme that repairs irregularities or breaks in the backbone of double-stranded DNA molecules. It has important role in the process of DNA replication and DNA repair. It has three general functions: It seals repairs in the DNA, it seals recombination fragments, and it connects Okazaki fragments (small DNA fragments formed during the replication of double-stranded DNA). DNA ligase functions by forming a bond between the end of a “donor” nucleotide and the end of an “acceptor” nucleotide.
Most sedimentary rocks are formed in level layers. Therefore, the occurrence of tilted rock layers is evidence of mountain building. ... Tilting can also result when rocks are pushed upward, or uplifted. In some areas of the world, rock layers are so severely tilted that they may be bottom side up. Layered rocks form when particles settle from water or air. Steno's Law of Original Horizontality states that most sediments, when originally formed, were laid down horizontally. ... Rock layers are also called strata (the plural form of the Latin word stratum), and stratigraphy is the science of strata.
This injury is fatal because, The phrenic nerve regulates breathing and operates the diaphragm.
The motor ability is provided by the Nerve called Phrenic nerve to the diaphragm. This is a muscle that is very important for the respiration to take place in human. When a damage or injury occurs to the Phrenic nerve, it may result in the paralysis of diaphragm.
When this is damages there may be difficulties in breathing and only small amount of air can be inhaled. Thus the paralysis of this nerve results in the prevention of the victim to find difficulties in respiration. Thus, the example given is fatal because, the phrenic nerve regulates breathing and operates the diaphragm.