A semipermeable membrane is a type of biological or synthetic, polymeric membrane that will allow certain molecules or ions to pass through it by diffusion—or occasionally by more specialized processes of facilitated diffusion, passive transport or active transport.
The correct answer is eukaryotes engulfed photosynthesizing prokaryotes
The endosymbiotic theory or symbiogenesis is an evolutionary theory that traces the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic organisms. It explains that some of the organelles (Mitochondria and Chloroplasts) in eukaryotic cells evolved from free-living prokaryotic microbes which were ingested or engulfed. The ingested prokaryotic cells survived within the organism and developed a symbiotic relationship.
According to the theory, chloroplasts was formed when eukaryotes engulfed photosynthesizing prokaryotes and mitochondria was formed when bacteria capable of aerobic respiration were engulfed.
Sperm and egg cells do not go through mitosis, they go through meiosis. Why? Well, in mitosis, cells copy themselves. But in sperm and egg cells, they have to duplicate differently. So, there is no such thing as two different sperm or egg cells that are the same.
T (thymine) pairs with the base A (adenine) and C (cytosine) pairs with the base G (guanine)
Because the heads are polar/hydrophilic so they will be attracted to the water which is also polar whereas the tails are non-polar/hydrophobic so they will avoid the water at all cost.