Adam smith explained in the Wealth of Nations in 1776, his idea of Laissez-faire: to let people do what they want in the economy, rather than have it be government controlled.
The Enlightenment can be seen as a revolution in thinking that begun in the seventeenth century that emphasized reason and science over the authority of traditional religion. Adam Smith was a Scottish economist, philosopher and author as well as a moral philosopher. In his book The Wealth of Nations (1776) he defined the working of market economies and supported principles of liberty. His ideas fit in the ideas of the enlightenment because of his profoundly original contributions to moral philosophy and natural jurisprudence. His work contributed to the development of modern economics and moral philosophy.
The introduction of agriculture affected the religious practices of the ancient southwestern native Americans in ways such as organizing spiritual ceremonies according to religions and gods in order to pray for a good yield and weather
They also helped to create a larger religious gathering during the organizations of spiritual activities in farming groups.
The Germans used mustard gas for the first time during war in 1917. They outfitted artillery shells and grenades with mustard gas that they fired in the vicinity of the troop target.