C) Loyalty to a group that shares a culture, histotry,or homeland is the correct choice.
They were
treated badly because they believed in different religions
- MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT = Men and women should have access to the same educational opportunities
- THOMAS HOBBES = Argued in favor of Absolute Monarchies
- ADAM SMITH = Laid the foundation for the modern science of economics, believed all people have a natural desire to better their lives.
- MONTESQUIEU = Influenced the creation of the Constitution of the United States
Key books by those philosophers in those areas:
- Mary Wollstonecraft, <em>Thoughts on the Education of Daughters </em>(1787)
- Thomas Hobbes, <em>Leviathan </em>(1651)
- Adam Smith, <em>Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations </em>(1776)
- Montesquieu, <em>Spirit of the Laws </em>(1748)
Ida B. Wells was a firm believer that many of the tactics used by whites against blacks, such as violent intimidation and lynching, was used purely to keep the black population from advancing socially and economically, and therefore advocated heavily for black and women suffrage in the hopes of eventually being able to change the laws.