U.S. policy toward the region of the Persian Gulf has changed more and more often over the years more than any other foreign policy I can think of. Current U.S. policy can be traced back more than half a century. This said, the most useful place to begin to understand how we arrived where we are today is to return to the late 1960s, when Great Britain decided it could no longer sustain its commitments east of Suez.
If the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is part of the majority, he or she gets to write the opinion of the court; that is the majority opinion. Nevertheless, Chief Justices do not always write the opinion. The Justice may decides who writes the draft. He or she will play an important role in drafting the court opinion and could circulate it to the other Justices after he or she is satisfied with it.
In my opinion, the first humans got to America by traveling in boats, or by being born there.
<span>Congressional staff increased greatly in the 20th century due to the shift in politics from grassroots to higher levels of lobbying, groups and special interests. The congress person was not only invested in their district but in those special interest groups requesting meetings and events with the congressperson. By increasing staff, they would be able to learn more about these groups and lobbyists so they could make a more informed decision. It also allowed the staff to deal directly with the public. A congressman in the early 20th century would only have in person visits and the occasional phone call, but by the end of the 20th century, the congressperson would have contact via appointment, call, letter, email and even rudimentary instant contact via Instant Messenger and sites like Myspace.</span>