The full form of etc is <em>''et cetera''</em>
<em>"Et cetera"</em> is a term borrowed from Latin that we often use when we want to say 'and other things', 'and so on', or 'and the like'. It indicates sequence of similar items. Instead of the full form, we usually use the contracted form in writing. However, in spoken language, we usually read the full form - et cetera.
A mother’s fears hope I’m not too late!
He thinks of it as an opportunity to be with family.
"Billy Mason Farrell," his father had said, "I want you to listen to me. We need you to stay at Grandma M's tonight. I know how you feel about her, and I’m not saying you’re wrong, but there isn’t enough room for all of us here at the main farm house."
"I told you I should have stayed home!" Billy protested plaintively. "I'm missing the first game of the playoffs, and my team really needs me!"
"I understand—" began his father.
"No, you don’t understand," said Billy, "because you never cared about anything like I care about baseball, not in your whole life."
"I'm not going to argue with you," said his father. "My family lives on this farm, we come out here for one week every summer, and Grandma M needs to be included in this visit. I want you to take one for the team."
From the excerpt gotten from the book "Legacy of Billy Mason" Billy's father sees his visit to the farm as an opportunity to spend ample time with family.
Beowulf follows a strict code of morals fighting for fame and glory he is described as brave daring and bold. He inspired his men and lead them without fear. His choices were always made to keep his men as safe as he could wile still completing his task. this is a great model for leadership in our times as many fail to lead with justness as Beowulf did. He made fair decisions and always looked out for his fellow warriors.
His skills however dont translate into today's modern times as beowulfs tales speak of evil monsters, terrifying creatures and dark places all over the world. His job in this epic poem is to rid the world of its most dangerous demons monsters and creatures weather they lurk in the sea, sky, or deep underground and he does this for payment but mostly for glory as in the times this poem is based to kill a beast of such stature was an instant way to be remembered and that is what many including Beowulf searched for to be remembered to have songs sung in his name and for people to remember his skill and power.
(hope that helped)