Olá. Essa pergunta esta incompleta. A pergunta completa é:
Estava em casa com muita vontade de sair, porém eu me sentia meio down ,para ver se melhorava um pouco tomei um banho
Explique o significado da expressão em inglês na frase acima.
A palavra "down" significa que o narrador da frase estava se sentindo triste.
A palavra "down" em inglês significa "para baixo". Ela pode ser utilizada de forma conotativa para expressar um estado de espirito diminuto, o que significa que uma pessoa esta triste, desmotivada, melancólica e sem vitalidade. Nesse caso, quando o narrador afirma "estava me sentindo meio down" ele quer dizer que estava se sentindo triste.
I think it might be depict.
Not many people would know the meaning. The other words seem like everyday words that people use. If wrong the answer is wrong please tell me. Please know that Im only a 6th grader so I'm slightly unsure of the answer. Have a great day/night! <3
It affects the overall tone that you want to set for your readers. For example, let's say you want to be professial. You would want to make a report or essay verus a song or a poem even though they are valid formats in writing.
If you are still unsure, I also found this info helpful: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/143481332.pdf
I think its active gvgghj
C. resilience of the American people.
the author clearly portraits the king as the bad guy here, and sounds as though he finds what the Americans in Boston did to be funny. "they had a grand tea party" he obviously likes the idea of what they did. and " the people from Maine to Georgia were all of one mind." he's showing that everyone in the 13 colonies was prepared to stand up and fight for what they believed was right.