<h2><em><u>don't</u></em><em><u> know</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>the</u></em><em><u> answer</u></em>
<em><u> </u></em><em><u>of</u></em></h2>
<span>I am the LORD thy God.
No other gods before me.
No graven images or likenesses.
Not take the LORD's name in vain.
Remember the sabbath day.
Honour thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not kill.
<span>Thou shalt not commit adultery.</span></span>
From a Christian standpoint, everyone is a child of God, and Jesus wants everyone to know Him and the love He has them. For someone in a different religion than Christianity, they would have to repent, and convert to Christianity because Jesus does want everyone to join Him in Heaven.
Honestly though, you can’t push your friend. It’s best to share God’s love with him and live like you know God. When you do that, your happiness will radiate. My advice, I would talk about this with your pastor or a priest you are close with to determine the best way to go about it. But if you try and push your friend, it will only alienate him further. Continue asking him to join you at a mass, but respect his decision if he declines. You never know, he might take the leap one day!
Environmental factor
Environmental factor greatly influenced the food and housing available to native American groups living on the Pacific coast and in the Southwest, in the sense that, environmental factor has effects on the vegetation and weathers, most especially a excessive winter, which can affects agriculture.
Hence, the Native Americans in this area, built their houses near rivers, as the rivers serves as the main source of food, such as salmon, sea mammal, shellfish, and other types of fish abundant in the area.
The nature of their environment also influenced them to favour planting of crops or agricultural practices that can survive in areas full of rivers and streams.
Also, their housing style was mostly influenced by the environmental factors as they build their houses with timber, and characterized with ridgepoles, huge cedar poles containimg side beams for structural support, with a framework in which the wall and roof materials can easily be removed and transported from one location to another if needs be, most especially during water erosion.
Blocking a side walk is something you cannot do
It’s legal to pee on the sidewalk