Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that describes the large-scale motion of the lithosphere (the Earth's crust and the upper part of the Earth's mantle).This theory states that the lithosphere is composed of several large plates. These plates form continents and seabeds. These plates are located on a semi-solid viscous underlying layer called the asthenosphere.
These pages move relative to each other in one of three types of "page borders". Convergent or random boundaries, divergent boundaries or diffusion centers, and gradual metamorphic boundaries.
Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountaineering, and the formation of oceanic cavities occur along the boundaries of these plates. The relative speed of these plates varies from zero to 100 mm per year.
Tectonic plates are made up of two types of lithosphere: thicker continental plates and thinner oceanic plates. The upper or superficial part of the plates, called the "cortex", also has two types, continental and oceanic. As a result, a plate may be purely continental or oceanic, or a combination of both.
When two planes intersect at convergent boundaries, the heavier plane slides beneath the lighter plane and into the Earth's mantle. This phenomenon is called "subduction".
Tectonic theory…