He uses it to cleanse us of all negative feelings and emotions, while still teaching us how to be better people. The tragic character is usually someone who is better than us and is supposed to inspire us to be better.
This Is True Bc They Really Had No Where Else Or The Knowledge Too Journey Anywhere Else .
Napoleon Bonaparte's biggest reform and influence was the Napoleonic Code. This code forbade privileges based on birth, gave the people freedom of religion and stated that government jobs should be awarded to the most qualified person. The code was not well liked among countries surrounding France at its time of implementation.
The most important factor from the options that lead to radicalized political parties was The Great Depression of 1929 (C).
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 led to a chain reaction not only in the U.S. but in many European countries as well. In the worst moments of the period, 22 to 23% of the American workforce, and 44% of German's workforce didn't have a job.
Due to the crisis, many American creditors charged loans made throughout the world; American companies stopped investing in other countries.
This generalized crisis, unemployment, and increasing misery of the population created a fertile soil on which fascist and nazi political figures fed.