positive feedback
Explanation:Because when you get motion that means its positive but if doesn't feel motion than that is negative.
External respiration (correct answer) involves the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the environment.
The exchange of wastes through the skin is just called excretion by sweating.
There is no exchange of nutrients that occur in the lungs but rather absorption of nutrients is the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the cell is called cellular respiration and involves carrying oxygen from the blood to the cell then the cell uses it as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain. The metabolic wastes of the cell, primarily carbon dioxide, goes now to the bloodstream to be exchanged for oxygen in the lungs.
The soap is basic and the juice is acidic because the ph of the water is 7 and it’s neutral. If the ph is lower than 7, it’ acidic and if it’s higher than 7 it’s basic
The answer is: False.
Social cognitive theory stands that portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be related to <em>observing others within the context of social interactions. </em>
When people observe a model performing a behaviour and the consequences of that behaviour, they remember the sequence of events and <em>use this information to guide subsequent behaviors</em>.
The theory says that people do not leatn new behaviours solely by trrying them and either succeding or failing, but upon the replication of the action of others.
I hope it works!
<u>Fertilizer usage is linked to the agricultural practice</u> with an aim to <u>enhance the crop yield</u>. Inadequae use of fertilizers however causes soil degradation because <u>these practices overlook the spatial differences in soil fertility status </u>in agricultrual systems. Specifically,<u> not all soils require fertilizer application at the same levels</u>. A recommended approach is that, initially, there should be a proper study of limited nutrients in the soil and thereon only those nutrients should be given at controlled concentrations, which are limited. A major reason is that <u>high concentration of specific nutrients would affect the bioavailability of other nutrients</u> in the long run and could also lead to soil degradation (by affecting soil health status). <u>The microbial population in the soil could also change</u> that are typical for essential biogeochemical cycles. This is a very critical aspect in future future agriculture and to preserve the environment. <u>Deforestation</u> is a condition when the plants are cut excessively for agricultural purposes. <u>If soil degradation continues as discussed above, it would put a reduce the overall proportion of agricultrual land and cutting of naturally grown forests would be required. This would turn the green zones into agricultural zones (in future)</u>. This is a pressure on ecosystem and the consequences can be really harsh.