Program Comments
program comments are explanations. They are not executable code and the can actually appear anywhere in your code. Their main function is code documentation for the future. In Java programming language for example three types of comments is used. These are
// Single line comments (This starts with two forward slashes
/* Multiple Line
The third is the javadoc that gives a description of a function. I looks like the multiple line but is has two asterics
/** This is javadoc
<span>Charts are inserted into an excel spreadsheet using the commands in the charts group on the Insert tab on the ribbon.
There, on the Insert tab, you will find many options when it comes to the things that you want to insert into your Excel spreadsheet, such as images, tables, and charts, among other things.</span>
<span>cell spacing is the answer</span>
B Amount of digital Information doubles every year .
The amount of digital information doubles every year while the cost of storing this digital data falls as the number of kilobytes that can be stored on given media doubles with each passing year which in turn gives reduced cost on the media .In this era of big data there is a great need for information that is easily accessible and readily available for sharing for example cloud computing.
parallel communication is a method where several binary digits are sent as a whole, on a link with several parallel channels.
serial communication conveys only a single bit at a time over a communication channel or computer bus.