Atticus: His biggest fear is letting Jem and Scout know about the hatred in the world because it will get rid of their innocence. His strength is that he is a man who is full of courage. He does what is right even if it is unpopular and even if he loses in the end. His only weakness is that he is keen on keeping the letter of the law and forgets that the spirit of the law is more important.
Scout: One could argue that her biggest fear is that she will have to grow up, she acts as defiant as she can when people try to push her towards adulthood. Her greatest strength is her honesty. She is not shy about asking questions and she speaks directly. At the beginning, Scout's greatest weakness is her lack of self control. She lets her emotions take over and stays defiant no matter what. She eventually learns how to control some of these emotions by the end of the book.
Jem: His biggest fear is that Atticus will never see him as an adult. Atticus is the role model that he strives to be. His impulsive nature is his weakness. He acts on his emotions throughout the book. Once at Miss Dubose's house and again at Tom's trial. His mortality grows to be one of his biggest strengths as he can see the awful racism and discrimination in the town while Scout can not as her eyes are clouded by a rose glass.
Boo: His greatest fear is being seen, he has many issues that are spoken about him and many people believe them. His greatest strength is his perception. He has a wise mind and he knows exactly when to do something and when not to. his greatest weakness is his shyness. He yearns for a friend and people to connect to, but he cannot speak out no matter how much he tries. Instead he hides in the shadows and tries to use his actions to represent his emotions without owning up to them.
NEOCLASSICISM is also known as the age of reason since everything had to be explained by means of reason. Neoclassical artists held ideas such as the child was born savage and had to be educated. For them, order and harmony were essential since they worked for social order. A good example of this movement in literature is “Essay on Man” by Alexander Pope. This literary work can be considered a philosophical poem since it transmits messages such as “do not concentrate on God, concentrate on you”, “the answers are inside of you”, “successful man is in the middle, avoid extremes”, etc.
ROMANTICISM emerged as a reaction against Neoclassicism. Romantic artists held the idea that the child was born innocent and wise. They went for imagination and emotions, as well as for the freedom of speech. One of the main exponents of Romanticism was William Wordsworth whose work “Preface” to the Lyrical Ballads is considered “a romantic manifesto” since in it he defined the poetry and the poet.
As regards poetry, he said that it should try common day life and should use everyday language. He wanted to do away with poetic language such as personification, metaphors, metonymy, etc. He defined poetry as the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”.
As regards the poet, Wordsworth claimed that the poet was “a man talking to himself” and “a translator of emotions”, since he had to be able to put emotions into words”.
The growth in population and increase of industry production
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There will always be someone waiting round the corner to over power and defeat us if we are weak” Explain the above statement with reference to the poem “Wind”, by SUBRAMANIA BHARATI. How does the wind make fun of the weak?
The idea that the wind makes fun of the weak appears in the poem through the description of the wind´s destruction capacity.
That destructive energy is a symbol of the difficulties people go through in life, a destruction that can have weak people breaking down, while stronger people can overcome the situation and become stronger. The wind, which is everywhere, resembles the possibility of someone defeating us if we are weak.