A & E
A.) to advertise a war effort
E.) to encourage women to work
I think Percy wrote this so the current and future colonists would have a record of life in Jamestown in the beginning, so that they could learn from those who came before them
Answer: (B) Mann is enthusiastic about his ability to help others with his Bicycle Lending Library.
I am unsure as to which book or text this refers to but the phrase ''<em>Head over Heels</em>'' is used to describe a person who is very much in love with or enthusiastic about something. For instance, ''Mark is head over heels for badminton'' means that Mark really love badminton.
In using the phrase ''head over wheels'', the author is making a play on the phrase to describe that Mann is enthusiastic about something bicycle related so the option that he is enthusiastic about his ability to help others with his Bicycle Lending Library must be right.
Public speaking is a skill some people will use outside of school , example if your career is a president you will need to speak out to your community and persuade people on why you are a better candidate / pick !
Internal. The colomber had Stefano at war with himself his entire life because of his internal fear that the colomber is there to kill him when it gets the opportune chance.