Abraham Lincoln's Gettysbury Address is perhaps the most iconic and famous speeches in the history of the United States.
It the address took place just 4 and a half months after the end of the Civil War, at the time when the United States was struggling to find a national way forward.
The aim of the Address was to provide hope to the American people and give them a vision of a brighter future. It was addressed both at the Southerners and the people in the North.
A whole generation had seen war, death and misery and the future for many, was not so great.
The overall message of the address was to tell every American, that their right to life, liberty and freedom will be respected and that their country will keep on prospering.
The address wanted people to look at the end of the Civil War as an opportunity for a New America.
“sa” south africa? Women encouraged the larger democratic movement to include womens issues and fostering the leadership of women.
Early in their history, a violent and bloody slave revolt caused the Spartans to change their society. A Spartan, Lycurgus, drafted a harsh set of laws that required total dedication to the state from its people.
A general's win-loss record is only one thing to ponder upon. There are other factors. One is the competency of the opposition. So a lackluster general may fight an even worse general and end up looking good by winning. Weather may be a factor. A good general with a good plan may still lose because of bad weather. Good generals with good
plans may be defeated may be defeated
by an army with better weapons.
There's also reputation to consider.
Grant fought and won more than he
lost. Other generals still complained to
Lincoln about him saying he drank. Lincoln stayed with him saying he was needed because he fought. Lee may have been a better general than Grant but he did not have as many men and his men were poorly fed and supplies were inadequate.</span>