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He doesn’t like the natzys
To build suspense. Plays are not interesting without conflict. In this case the conflict surround John Proctor, the tragic hero, we would not be interested in Puritan drama.
The coordinating conjuctions in English are just three "and, or, but". 'And' is used to add information, 'or' to indicate alternatives, and 'but' to express contrast. These conjuctions link only units of the same level/ status, for example independent clauses.
1° sentence: Carlos put his books in his backpack, and he walked to the library. Here 'and' is appropiate because you need to add information.
2° sentence: My sister loves dogs but my brother prefers cats. 'But' is the correct one to indicate contrast between the two people's preferences.
3° sentence: Dad will make spaghetti for dinner or he will take us out for pizza. 'Or' is the correct one since the independent sentences signal alternatives
Stream of consciousness is a method of narration that describes happenings in the flow of thoughts in the minds of the characters.