The United Kingdom does not have a codified constitution. However, a number of texts are considered to be constitutional, such that the "constitution of the United Kingdom" or "British constitution" may refer to a number of historical and momentous laws and principles that make up the country's body politic. Thus the term "UK constitution" is sometimes said to refer to an "unwritten" or uncodified constitution. The British constitution primarily draws from four sources: statute law (laws passed by the legislature), common law (laws established through court judgments), parliamentary conventions, and works of authority.[1] Similar to a constitutional document, it also concerns both the relationship between the individual and the state and the functioning of the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary.
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Examples of Human Adaptation
Diets are an example of human adaptation because the food available depends on the geographical area where humans live.
For example, the Inuit eat a lot of seal and fish because those are the most abundant sources of food in the artic, while the Mediterranean diet is abundant in fruits and vegetables because the climate of the Mediterranean is warm, and many crops grow there.
Examples of Human Modification
Aqueducts are a form of human modification. They are physical structures used to carry water from one place to another, and they can be built above ground or underground. The Romans were famous builders of acqueducts.
Examples of both
Wells are like a rudimentary aqueduct. They are digged in the ground to obtain water from underground sources, and represent both a human adaptation and modification at the same time.
because culture is characteristic and Knwledge of a particular group
race is refers to a group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other group
manu's father is 24 years younger than manu's grandfather and 30 years older than him. The sum of ages of all the three persons is 144 years. find the age of each of him.