Welcome someone into their group of friends
This a nice way to show a sense of acceptance towards the LGBTQ community. By inviting someone to join your group of friends, you are announcing that you like him/her, that you accept him/her, and not just that: you would also like your friends to get to know that person.
Stand up against bullying
It should be our first moral obligation to stop any kind of bullying. No difference between people can be treated with violence and disrespect. If we rise to prevent and end bullying, we are expressing our disagreement and our care for the LGBTQ community and their rights.
Use appropriate language and terminology
Once again, we have another way to show that we firmly accept this group of individuals and that we treat them as equals. If we remove improper terms from our vocabulary, we will undoubtedly show respect and acceptance to LGBTQ.
Start or join a gay-straight alliance
This initiative is not just about accepting the gay world, it is about fighting for their rights. It is about creating a friendly environment full of support, acceptance and understanding.
*Remain neutral when others make inappropriate comments
This type of behavior is the only one that could hardly help LGBTQ people to feel accepted. The same as with bullying, we should not remain indifferent in front of evil, impolite and harmful words. Our act of rebellion in those situations will clearly show our positive attitude towards the gay community.