I believe they are called endothermic.
Endotherms also called warm blooded animals are those that maintain a constant body temperature independent of the environment. They primarily includes, birds and animals, but some fish are also endothermic. On the other hand ectothermic animals or cold blooded animals are those whose regulation of body temperature depends on the external sources such as sunlight.
A vacuum is usually defined as a space in which there is an absence of matter. It can also be said that there is an extremely low amount of pressure due to which the particles present in it are not affected by any type of process that occurs in space. The value of pressure is lower than the value of normal atmospheric pressure.
For example, sound cannot travel in space because there is no medium such as water and air through which the sound waves can propagate.
Could u possibly give me any options or is it opionon based. let me know ill answer it in a jiffy:)
Answer: The correct answer is rRNA and protein.
Ribosome is a cell organelle present in the cytoplasm of all living cells. It is a site of protein synthesis in all type of cells. It is made up of two sub-units namely, small sub-unit and large sub-unit.
Both the sub-units are formed by rRNA (ribosomal RNA) and associated proteins. rRNA is ribozyme, that is, it is a ribonucleic acid with catalytic ability. The protein component helps in providing the structure to the ribosome.
biotic preservation
preservstion means to store or to save,