A? Not entirely sure, but I am pretty confident. Sorry if it's not A
Writing a Valid Will does not require a Mentally Competent Heir
he has more money so he is
Expensive Materials
Houses built using expensive and extremely good quality materials are more expensive than houses that aren't quite the sight for sore eyes, and aren't that good quality but still liveable, are obviously going to be more expensive. For example, a 2000 sqft house could cost 500K USD for medium quality products and materials, but that same house, but with marble, gold, and very good materials would cost probably 800K - 1.2M USD. Materials' looks aren't that important, and the quality doesn't have to be astronomical either, the home just has to be livable.
Federal income taxes support the economy because all the money collected by tax payers, goes back into the country, wether it's national parks, judicial courts, or even the military, all the tax payer money is spent for the people of America. Also, the tax payer money can be put into use for welfare, which promotes the general welfare, making America's third class cititzens have the funds they need to survive free lives in America.