Oncogenes result from turning on, or activating proto oncogenes. Proto oncogenes are genes that code for positive cell cycle regulators, so proto oncogenes code for proteins that turn on cell division. Proto oncogenes are normal genes, but when they are mutated, they become oncogenes. Oncogenes are expressed too much, which makes them turn on cell division too much, which is cancer.
This is true because humans can only know so much due to unexplored lands, water depth, and evidence of extinction being hidden.
Mantle plumes that form hotspots are thought to be relatively stationary whereas the overlying tectonic plates typically are not. Thus, as a plate moves over the location of a plume eruption, it carries successively older volcanoes with it.
The value of control is a quantitative measure of the value of controlling the outcome of an uncertain variable. Decision analysis provides a means for calculating the value of both perfect and imperfect control. The former value, informally known as the value of wizardry, is an upper bound for the latter. Obtaining meaningful value-of-control measurements requires an awareness of important restrictions (concerning the nature of free will and the meaning of counterfactual statements) on the validity of this kind of analysis.
There are multiple types of unconformity that occur in nature, all of which are base on the relative position of the types of rocks. The nonconformity is one of the unconformities. This type of unconformity occurs when sedimentary rock overlies igneous or metamorphic rocks that existed there before the sedimentary rocks covered them. The nonconformity can be seen in lots of places around the world, but it is most common on places where there are water bodies like lakes, seas, oceans, ponds, marshes, or on places where there were water bodies of this type in the past.