There is no mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood.
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The right atrium and right ventricle of the human heart pump oxygen-poor blood to the lungs and the left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood. They never mix.
1. Cell Wall
2. Amount of Vacuoles
3. Plastids
4. Size
5. Plasmodesmata
1. Animal Cells dont have cell wall, while Plant Cells do.
2. Animal Cells contain many/ multiple vacuoles, while Plant Cells only contain one.
3. Animal Cells dont have plastids, Plant Cells do have (eg. Chloroplasts)
4. Animal Cells are larger in comparison to Plant Cells
5. Animal Cells dont have plasmodesmata while Plant Cells do have.
The correct answer will be- true.
The small intestine is the longest part of the gastro-intestinal tract which helps in the absorption of nutrients from the digested food.
The structure of small intestine contains cell membrane extensions called villi and micro-villi which increases the surface area for absorption. The small intestine increases the food absorption by peristaltic movement of the food chyme. The small intestine causes the food chyme to form spirals which passes the food to large intestine.
Thus, true is the correct answer.
Liches, mosses, grasses and annual flowers, bushes and shrubs, trees. Primary succesion is a type of succesion occuring in an environment. This is a gradual growth of ecosystem from an area without vegatation. This can happen from simple to a more complex organism. The pioneer plants are usually the hard organism that can strive at aharsh condition and gradually shifting to a more adapted to less harsh conditions.