The Zimmermann Telegram helped turn the U.S. public, already angered by repeated German attacks on U.S. ships, firmly against Germany. On April 2, President Wilson, who had initially sought a peaceful resolution to World War I, urged immediate U.S. entrance into the war.
On February 24, 1917, British authorities gave Walter Hines Page, the U.S. ambassador to Britain, a copy of the Zimmermann Telegram, a coded message from Zimmermann to Count Johann von Bernstorff, the German ambassador to Mexico. In the telegram, intercepted and deciphered by British intelligence in late January, Zimmermann instructed his ambassador, in the event of a German war with the United States, to offer significant financial aid to Mexico if it agreed to enter the conflict as a German ally. Germany also promised to restore to Mexico the lost territories of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
1. Nail buffers exfoliate the nail's surface to smooth out ridges, which promotes a smooth foundation for applying polish. When you buff your nails before painting them, the polish will adhere more evenly for a flawless look.
2. Because it's a very sharp tool that can make your cuticles bleed.
hope this helps
The South was fighting a defensive war. The confederates prefer a defensive doctrine to defeat the numerically superior Union forces and to invite foreign powers especially Great Britain in their side thus winning the war against the Union forces in the American civil war.
Before the USS Maine exploded, the United States was trying to expand as a world power. Thus, many Americans blamed Spain for the explosion of the USS Maine because it gave them a reason to declare war on Spain and take control of Spanish territory in the Pacific and Caribbean.