Anne gave pictures to Peter for decorating his room.
In the memoir "Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank, Anne details how they led their life through the Nazi's regime of persecuting the Jews. The diary covers the two years of Anne's life, starting from her thirteenth birthday to her fifteenth birthday. But the story just didn't focus on those two years. It also included instances of her reflecting and recollecting her past lives, childhood experiences and schooling life before the hunting of Jews began.
Anne and her family are hiding from the Germans, moving to the Netherlands. But after Germany invaded Netherlands, they were forced to hide out. So, they began living their life in secret, in a room above the father Otto Frank's office which was hidden. There, they lived with other families- the van Daans and another friend Mr. Dussel. They were provided with food and provisions by the employees of the Franks, thus making it easier for them to survive without the need to go out anywhere.
Peter is the teenage son of the van Daans. Anne had a crush on him, but Peter initially likes Margot, Annie's elder sister. Later, the two will becme close friends, if not lovers. They appreciated each others'presence, thus making living in secret more pleasing. On one occasion, Anne gave Peter pictures from a book so that he will decorate his room and not find it boring.