7.09 is not greater than 7.2 because .09 is on the hundren place while .2 is on the tenth place. If you wanted to know whether 7.09 is greater 7.2, you had to move one time on the right for 7.2 and it will give you 7.20 which is now in a hundren place.
So if you look closely 7.20 will be greater than 7.09
The conclusion can be that the creator was angry and malevolent when he made the tiger, but it comes as a wonder that the same creator made both him and the lamb. It is so absurd that the narrator himself asks the question whether it's possible that there are more creators than one.
Sharing precise news with the public without taking bribes from the officials for printing wrong reports.
Every news that is crafted by the media would be available for the public.