International volunteers fought on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. The fight was because of the economic difficulties at that time. In the 1920s Spain came under the leadership of dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera.
<u>Thomas Jefferson</u>
With the escalation of problems with Britain, which threatened America by suspending shipping overseas, in the ensuing economic war Jefferson sought to pass a series of embargo laws that only further harmed American trade. In 1807, President Jefferson inserted in the Act an article banning the importation of slaves into the United States.
British artist Thomas Addison Richards painted River Plantation (1855-60) from sketches made in Georgia during his travels through the South in the 1840s. Oil on canvas (20 1/4" x 30").
River Plantation
uniquely situated among southern states on the eve of the Civil War (1861-65), played a vital part in the formation of the Confederacy. A geographic lynchpin that linked Atlantic seaboard and Deep South states, the "Empire State" was the second-largest state in area east of the Mississippi River (Virginia was larger until West Virginia broke away in 1861), and the second-largest Deep South state (only Texas was larger). In population, slave and free, Georgia was the largest in the Deep South. Both geographically and demographically, Georgia encompassed as much diversity as any other Confederate state, and these factors had an important impact on how the state experienced the war years and what it contributed to the Southern war effort.
Before the gold rush the west was wild and there were very few people around. The big cities in California were shires with a few hundred citizens