Mountain formation
Subduction zones always have mountain ranges caused by plate subduction.
A.enforces because the others so the other stuff
I'm pretty sure the answer is D but it's been a while since I've studied this. 95% sure it's D though :)
It is the theory that the landscape around took years to be made by nature so in another few years it could make new landscapes appear.
Yes, things such as polluting the air with fossil fuels (not natural) and things like building factories or something as simple as throwing garbage in the oceans have a major affect. everything is like a butterfly effect, one small action can have a drastic outcome. people now a days are inventing numerous amounts of things and damaging our ecosystems. as the years go on and things like this keep happening, our world will start to get hit with those outcomes. right now we are experiencing them, with hot temperatures and less fish in the ocean and polar ice caps melting.