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Digital Communications has provided benefits to relationships especially long distance relationships. It helps people feel connected with each other. Through the use of digital communications such as Facetime or Zoom, it gives oppurtunity to people whom you feel close to interact with you through the screen. long distance relationships tends to work because of digital communications , interacting online has been a lot more easier.
Sorry if its short but i couldnt think of anything feel free to add more things if you’d like
C but I could be wrong I’m not sure
Concepts of World City includes geographical dispersal of economic activities, increase the number of share for global firms, improvement of firms such as accounting, legal, public relations, programming, telecommunications, enhancement of production, maintain economic stability and improvement of the global network of affiliates.
Users make payments electronically than in person. Electronic payments have been made to provide a secure internet transaction. It is usually in 4 categories namely credit card,debit card, micropayment system and electronic cash. The answer in the situation where Lina switch to new provider for the online payment system is due to self-service.