Because things take time to grow
In trees, most savanna adaptations are to drought--long tap roots to reach the deep water table, thick bark for resistance to annual fires (thus palms are prominent in many areas), deciduousness to avoid moisture loss during the dry season, and use of the trunk as a water-storage organ (as in baobab).
Producers, like this plant, take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide during <u>respiration,</u> just like animals and other living things
The relationship between ionic bonds and cleavage is "as the ionic bond strength increases, cleavage will be more difficult".
There are ionic bonds between the minerals that held them together. Ionic bonds are the consequence of electrostatic fascination and electron exchange amongst positive and negative particles (cations and anions). Ionic bonding infers the development of requested crystalline solids and the cleavage of those solids will rely upon the quality of this bonding.
DNA/ Traits
they trace species origins back and find common point and every time they do, they connect them on the line, creating something that looks like "branches" google "cladogram"