Formula to calculate percentage are=
Winning match/total match *100
And copy paste formula of VLOOKUP in to desire cell formula bar.
Example in spreadsheet :
Winning match=A5
Total match=A6
Write formula in cell D3:
And write formula of VLOOKUP into cell D4-D6 to retrieve data from desire cell.
Step-by-step explanation:
that is the intercept of the line to y
The width of the carpet is 12 inches and the length of the carpet is 120 inches.
Step-by-step explanation:

^We can distribute first^
Distributing would result in:

Then we would combine like terms, which would result in:

Then we solve the equation.

Since the width of the carpet is 12 (as we figured out). The statement said that "The length of the carpet is 108 inches more than the width."
So now we add 108 to 12 to figure out the length.

The length of the carpet is 120 inches.