the results are unlikely to have occurred by chance and if the study is repeated under the same condition, a similar result is most likely to be gotten
For a result of a study to be statistically significant means that the result is unlikely to have occurred by chance or error since the error term has been considered during analysis and the study effect was still significant and that the study if repeated under the same conditions will must likely give the same result.
This could be Character (can also be trait or temperament) <span>
They found that <span>since the very young and the elderly spend more time at home, these groups would likely be victims in family homicide situations.
This happens because the perpetrators tend to see the very young and elderlies as the people who do not possess the power to fight back, which make them believe they could get away with the criminal act. What more terrifying is that the perpetrators in these circumstances tend to be the acquaintances of the family.</span>
In my own experience, eating a proper diet, doing exercise, and getting a sufficient amount of stress help me, and talking on more work and responsibility will stress you either your schedule or just stuff happening