The patient is recovering from hypovolemic shock. The nurse hangs a bag of normal human serum albumin (Albutein) and educates th
e patient about this fluid. The nurse evaluates that learning has occurred when the patient makes which statement? 1. It is a protein that pulls water into my blood vessels.
2. It is a protein that causes my kidneys to conserve fluid.
3. It is a super-concentrated salt solution that helps me conserve body fluid.
4. It is a liquid that has electrolytes in it to pull water into my blood vessels.
<h3> It is a protein that pulls water into my blood vessels.</h3>
Hypovolemic shock is a life threatening condition that results in severe dehydration of the body or extreme blood loss. Hypovolemic shock causes blood volume to decrease to an extent where heart is unable to pump it.
Hypovolemic shock is such a critical condition where multiple organ failure may occur. It is often treated with intravenous rehydration therapy.
Serum albumin is a common compound which is given to a shock victim as it has the capability of pulling water into the body hence, restoring the blood volume.
So when patient says that "It is a protein that pulls water into my blood vessels." Shows that he understood what nurse taught her.
A double-walled membrane, the pericardium, separates the right and left chambers, preventing oxygen-rich blood from mixing up with the one without oxygen. So, the heart functions go smoothly. Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium.