1. Code blocks 2. Pop 3. Role playing 4. Story telling 5. The sprite would draw a line to a random position then create another line 100 units long 6. Objective 7. True 8. Obstacles 9.jumping over bowser in Mario game 10. A balance of good and bad emotions 11. Rescuing princess peach from bowser 12. Designer 13. Count- controlled loop 14. True 15. Conditional block 16. The landlords game 17. Algorithm 18. Run/test window 19. Poker-type games 20. Illustrations 21. Stop pen 22. Control 23. False 24. role playing game 25. True 26. Change by y by -15 27. Scratch 28. The olympics
In designing LAN networks, network designers tend to design err on the side of providing for less capacity than what is currently necessary.
In designing LAN networks, network designers tend to design err on the side of providing for less capacity than what is currently necessary is not true about network design.