1. Explain reasons why the business and labor practices of the Robber Barons were unfair.
The term "Robber Baron" is used to describe a type of businessman often associated with the late 19th century. Such person was labelled as unfair by others, and this made such a term derogatory. Men that belonged to this category often used methods that were considered unfair or abusive in order to increase their wealth. This included hiring children, establishing monopolies or vertical integration, or paying low wages.
2.Articulate your opinion about whether the term Robber Baron is fair.
I do think the term "Robber Baron" is an adequate one. To a large extent, the "barons" were focused solely on money, in the same way that robbers would be. Moreover, it is clear that these people were willing to go to great lengths to increase their profits, even if this meant that many other people would have been affected too.