Federalism and the 10th amendment work together--the 10th Amendment states that if something is not covered by the Constitution and there is no specific federal power, then the power goes to the state.
Federalism is the principle that government should be divided between a central power and regional powers. In the case of the 10th Amendment, if the central power doesn't have explicit power to do something then the states have the power to do so.
Because of the fact that they needed
D. gained new territories.
When the United States won the Spanish-American War, they annexed new territories. Adding these new territories helped U.S. influence grow in the world.
Article 1 gives powers and limits to the congress and createthe Senate and House of Representatives; Article 2 refers to the executive branch (President and its officers) and the day to day administration of the Nation; Article 3 creates the judicial branch, with the responsibility of interpreting the Law.
The Iroquois was a civilization of Indians located in present day New York that was a military confederacy built up of 5 nations. The Pueblo Indians were a group that lived in the Rio Grande Valley and traded from the Appalachians to the Rockies. The creeks and the Cherokee were Southeast Indian tribes located along the Atlantic. The Cherokee were located in present day Georgia. These Indians also had a major impact on the coming European settlers as well as other tribes in North America. The Cherokee and the Creek especially were important in welcoming refugees from tribes that had lost too many people to maintain their identity.