I need help with an art project that is due in 4 days! I need ideas on what to make from recycled things found in our house whic
h is difficult cause of quarantine. Can you guys help me? Instructions Days 1, 2,and 3 Students will look for recyclables which can be found around the house and can be applied to sculpture.
Day 4 Think about items found and describe in writing (one page) why you the student chose that medium.
Days 5, 6, 7 Students explore different ideas for creating their project. (for example isolation, happiness, sadness)
Days 8, 9, and 10 Students will explore ideas through sketches one per day before creation of project for sculpture.
Days 11, and 12 Students will think about how to construct project with found recyclable items.
Days 13, 14, and 15 Students to consider how to support sculpture and create an armature. (skelton in which project will be formed on)
Days 16, 17, and 18 Students should start applying recyclable materials to armature- start of project.
Days 19 and 20 Students should start thinking about finalizing their sculpture; checking for their self-expression and aesthetics.
Fine art is a piece of art that is made elegantly and perfectly to look like it should be in a museum. Craft art is made to show creativity and can be made just to have fun and express your creative side.